If you're a hunting style family & just love deer hunting then this is the decal set for you. This deer decal comes with a Buck, Doe, 4 large kids & 2 smaller kids. The little does come with pink bows on their heads no matter what color you choose. We have a separate decal available also that has Xtra kids if you need them. This great looking decal set is available in several colors, camos and two sizes. Express your hunting passion and life style by slapping a deer family set on your vehilcle today!
Here are Xtra kids to go along with your Deer Family decal set for those larger families. If you need extra customization for your specific family feel free to call LVE direct to work out your custom decals & needs. This great looking decal set is available in several colors, camos and two sizes. Express your hunting passion and life style by slapping a deer family set on your vehilcle today!
Ambush Compound is a new deer decal for 2013 depicting a bow hunter settled in against a tree ready to take the shot on a big buck. If you love bow hunting whitetails you'll want to slap one of these puppies on your hunting rig. Available in 3 sizes and various colors. NOTE: The image in the blue box is just to give you a better view of the image.
Express your outdoor passion with this great window decal.
Autumn with Antlers Deer decal makes a great back window or tailgate scene for any Hardcore Whitetail Hunter. Available in 4 sizes & an assortment of colors.
Express your outdoor passion with this great window decal.
Express your outdoor passion with this great window decal.
If you're Country or Redneck or both you know about Billy-Bob Teeth and all their great line of products. We are happy to announce we are producing a great line of decals for them and here's a good one the "Billy-Bob Expandable Buck". This decal is all in good fun allowing those of us that don't shoot expandables to poke fun at our buddies that do. This decal features the Billy-Bob Buck and has great detail in the art from those big bug eyes to those unmistakable Billy-Bob teeth. We're making it available in 3 sizes to choose from so slap one on your rig and let the laughter begin!
Express yourself with this great decal!
Express your outdoor passion with this great window decal.
Express your outdoor passion with this great window decal.
Express your outdoor passion with this great window decal.
We love bull riding and of course bow hunting whitetail. When we came up with the Bow Up brand a couple years back I thought we'd combine the two and that's just what we did. We know the term Cowboy UP so now we're going to BOW UP with a twist. The Bow Up Rodeo logo we think is pretty cool and unique so we invite you to slap one on your hunting rig today and BOW UP!
Express your outdoor passion with this great window decal.
Express your outdoor passion with this great window decal.
Express your outdoor passion with this great window decal.
Express your outdoor passion with this great window decal.
Express your outdoor passion with this great window decal.
We all love to hunt here at LVE but my wife Vicki loves to scrap book as well. We know many of you Sportsmen and Women also like to keep a hunting scrapbook. We've assembled a collection of 17 Deer & Turkey stickers which you simply peel from the backer and apply to your pages. Each small sticker is over 1.25" in size. Each sticker is printed black with a white outline. We're showing the stickers on a black backer here just so you can see them clearly. The printed frame is simply telling an in store customer what the product is. We hope you enjoy these stickers as much as Vicki does and that they will greatly enhance your scrap book pages!!!
Express your outdoor passion with this great window decal.
Express your outdoor passion with this great window decal.
Express yourself with this great decal!
NEW for 2012 the Double Drop Skull deer decal is a huge Whitetail Skull and a very cool decal. Available in 3 sizes and assorted colors. If you are a Whitetail fanatic like we are this is a must have decal for your hunting rig, bow case or any flat surface!
Express your outdoor passion with this great window decal.
Express your outdoor passion with this great window decal.
Express your outdoor passion with this great window decal.
Here's a New deer decal we've just finished for all your Whitetail fanatics, "Feel The Steel"! Bowhunting is a year long waiting game looking forward to the rut. If you're neck's beginning to swell slap one of these on your hunting rig and get after those big bucks! Available in 3 sizes.
Express your outdoor passion with this great window decal.
EUREKA! the art for our new "Hill Folk Family Decal" is now completed. Most of you that love the outdoors have farm, hill & mountain backgrounds so we hope you get a big laugh and a lot of enjoyment from this decal. It's hard to hide your roots so don't pretend you don't have some kin folk tucked away in the woods somewhere that remind you of our fantastic HILL FOLK FAMIILY!This decal is priced a bit higher but it has to be produced larger at 12" X 4" in order to show the great detail in this art. It's also available in a Large size of 18" X 7". We have the family & pets arranged so you can apply only the characters you need to represent your family. If you need more children or dog or cat just contact us at 270-275-9702 to let us know what you need. We'll custom produce the amount of characters you need at an additional cost depending on your desires. Add one of these great decals to your vehicle today and share the laughter!!!
Here's another NEW decal for our hilarious Hillbilly collection. Gus is going bow hunting for a big buck and Red's giving him the thumbs up. If you love Hillbilly humor then this deer decal will add a chuckle to your day so slap one on your hunting rig and share the laughter!